Re-Aligning God's People Back to God's Word, God's Ways, God's Mission, and God's Blessings; Waking Up the Sleeping Church to Become the Light of the World that God has Called Us to Be, to Reclaim His Name as the Praise of the Earth.
What's Happening:
Why We Gather? - "Building a Space for Reverence for God" (Video Statement - 2:01-min)
Come Join Us! - Saturdays @ 9:30am - SEE SERVICE DETAIL
The Great Omission - READ MORE
Read the Latest Potential Signs of Prophecies being Realized in the Earth Today - Click HERE to Read
The Mark of the Beast: “It’s now time for the Internet of Bodies. This means collecting our physical data via devices that can be implanted, swallowed or simply worn, generating huge amounts of . . . information” -- Click HERE to Read Three Must Read Articles on this topic
"Abrahamic Family House": Prototype of Future End Time Prophecy that will be a Sign that we are in the the Final 7-years of the Return of the Messiah, and road marker that will set the stage for the Abomination of Desolation. - READ MORE
"Abraham Accord Signing!!" - READ MORE
"The Spirit of the Law" - READ MORE
"Multiplication is Beginning to Happen, Beyond these Initial 12 Men" - READ MORE